5 Best High Paying Jobs Without a Degree

You always heard from your parents and teachers that you need a college degree to get a high-paying job. Right, but what if I tell you that you can get high paying jobs without a degree? Yes, you heard right; in this time of tech and globalization, one can get a decent job with the help of talent and skills.

If you master some skills and gain experience in that field, you can get a good offer from companies. Even MNC companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc., are recruiting people without a specialized college degree. According to some reports, around 15% of Google employees don’t have a college degree. Elon Musk also said in his interviews that a College degree is not required to get a job At Tesla. This statement shows that you can also get your dream job without having a college degree.

Let’s look at some of the 5 best high paying jobs without a degree,

Graphic Designing

Graphic design is always considered a non-degree profession; it doesn’t require any college degree to become a professional graphic designer. To become an excellent graphic designer, you should be a creative person and curious person. Whose creative thinking is better than logical thinking? You can learn graphic designing through Youtube and other online courses. After learning basic graphic designing, you can enroll yourself in internship programs. Those internship programs will help you to get placement in a good company. If your skills are good enough, you can get a decent package.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is gaining popularity now, thanks to Google and social media platforms. Advertisers are looking to reach their potential customers through digital marketing. This requires an expert digital marketer who can run their campaigns efficiently. To become a digital marketer, you can enroll in online courses on Google and other online education portals. Currently, there is no particular college degree for digital marketing in India. This gives you an edge to learn digital marketing and grab a high salary package from companies.

Related Post: How To Get Jobs In Digital Marketing If You are a Beginner?

Web Development

In today’s time, a person doesn’t need a four college degree to build websites. You can learn HTML, CSS, and scripting languages like Javascript to create a fully functional website. With the help of some tutorials, you can start building a website in one or two months. You can begin your freelance journey in web development, and then you can move on to some big companies for a higher package.

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Software Developer/Coder

Computer Science Engineering is one of the highest-paying jobs across the globe. And the demand for a software developers is continuously increasing. And suppose you are also planning to become a software engineer. In that case, you probably consider enrolling in a four-year college degree program from some top colleges to complete your CS engineering degree. You believe that this is the only to become a CS engineer. However, you will be surprised that 15% of Google’s software engineers don’t have a college degree. Despite that, they are grabbing a package of 10 lakhs to 1cr. So it would be best if you changed your thinking that a College degree is the only way to become a software engineer.


A copywriter needs only good English proficiency and creative thinking to start his copywriting career. If you have these two skills, you can become a copywriter who earns a lot of money without a college degree. This career has been seeing massive demand across the globe recently. However, a supply and demand mismatch in this career makes it lucrative. You can learn copywriting from an institute, online courses, or maybe on Youtube. After that, begin your copywriting career in an Ad agency; after having a good experience, you can go for big MNCs.


Apart from these 5 high-paying jobs, there are still hundreds of jobs that don’t require a college degree. So, if you fear that you can not get a good job without a degree, you should change your mindset. Find a skill you are interested in and then excellence yourself in that particular skill. Companies will come to you to offer good jobs if you do so. You need to showcase your talent to them.

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